Tactician replacement pocket clip
Replacement Clip for the Surefire Tactician. This locks out the constant on and allows you to carry bezel down. Made from grade 5 Ti.
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Absolute must have
Making an already great flashlight even better. Every Tactician owner needs one.
Totally beyond expectations
I had never even heard of GFT and didn’t know what to expect out of their tactician light clip. I ordered more out of a last ditch effort to fix a fatal flaw on an otherwise awesome light. Man… I was blown away with the build quality and the ingenuity of their product. Quite possibly the best $24 I’ve ever spent. Can’t recommend these guys enough.
Tactician tip down clip
I’ve had my surefire tactician for a year, never carried it because the stock clip left too much of the flashlight out and I don’t care for tip up carry, stumbled onto this on you tube, ordered, LOVE IT!!! Totally recommend and now will carry my surefire.
Tactician replacement clip
Hell of a better clip in placement and function. Shipped supper fast.
Tactician Clip
Snagged two of these clips for my surefire tactician lights. Absolutely love them. On top of looking bad ass, they perform flawlessly. They make carrying this light everyday more comfortable. Give GFT a shot at your business. They are great people making great gear for a fair price!!!
Clip for SF Tactician
This is the pocket clip the SureFire Tactician should have come with!! Muzzle down orientation. Leave it to GFT to unfuk the situation!! Good job GFT Fam!!
This is the clip you are looking for
This clip literally fixed the only problems I had with this light (bezel up carry and the twist on) Solid, smooth clean clip will fit in any pants pocket. You want this clip, you need this clip
Buy this clip!
The clip for the surefire Tactician is the single greatest upgrade for a flashlight since the advent of the LED bulb. This clip is not only more robust but it finally puts the light bezel down which makes it the perfect carry light.